This year has been challenging for all of us. Despite all these changes, we’re still grateful for our community. Because each day brings new joys and experiences, we want to thank you all.
So if you’ve ever reached out to ask us how you can help, thank you. We want to thank every individual and group that has offered to support us and our work. Whether that support came in the form of a donation, volunteer hours, some other service, or maybe just a kind word, you are so appreciated!
Here at GBICS, our goal is to advance the health of our neighbors by helping them meet their basic human needs. To do that we help provide access to food and health care and economic assistance to our neighbors. But we can only do this work because of you. Because our community supports us, we can provide vital programs to our guests and patients.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, safety regulations changed so much in 2020, and our processes must meet these safety guidelines. Unfortunately, this means that some of you may not have not had the opportunity to volunteer with us. We appreciate your interest and support anyways!
If you want to be happy for an hour, take a nap.
Author Unknown
If you want to be happy for a day, go fishing.
If you want to be happy for a month, go on a honeymoon.
If you want to be happy for a year, inherit a fortune.
If you want to be happy for a lifetime, help other people.
There’s a poem, I keep in my office that I’d like to share with you.
As 2020 draws to a close, we want to express a sincere THANK YOU to each one of you for all you do. Thank You for Making GBICS the success that it is
Stay safe, and happy Thanksgiving,
Wanda & All of Us at GBICS