You First, a program through the Vermont Department of Health, is federally funded by two grants from the CDC. Our goal is to provide access to breast and cervical cancer early detection, as well as heart health screen and heart disease prevention. The You First Navigator helps guide members from screening to diagnosis to treatment. The Your First Lifestyle Program Coordinator and Health Coach helps members achieve their fitness and nutrition goals for better heart health.
The You First Bennington program provides eligible individuals in Bennington County personalized support to pay for breast, cervical and heart screenings, diagnostic tests and heart healthy lifestyle programs. As part of You First Vermont, we are able to offer incentives to members like local gym memberships and summer CSA vouchers.
How You First Works
To start with, contact our Health Champion to discuss enrollment. Eligible individuals will fill out the You First application. Once you enroll in You First Bennington, you will receive your You First membership card and packet. A You First team member will call you to welcome you and answer any questions you may have. After that, you’re all set to schedule your screening appointments with your healthcare providers. Once your provider receives your results, they will submit them to You First. If a You First member is advised to seek further testing to establish a diagnosis for breast or cervical issues, You First pays the copays and/or deductible for the additional testing. Members will re-enroll each year and get screened again.
Wanda is here to help! She can assist individuals through the application, enrollment and re-enrollment process.
You First Services
Breast Cancer Screenings
- Starting at age 50 (unless recommended sooner)
- Breast exam every year
- Mammogram every other year (or as often as recommended)
- Additional testing as needed
Cervical Cancer Screenings
- Pap test every 3 years (or as often as recommended)
- HPV test
- Additional testing as needed
Heart Health Screenings
- Members aged 30-64
- Blood Pressure
- Height & Weight
- Cholesterol testing
- Blood sugar testing
Lifestyle Programs
- Health Coaching
- Weight Watchers
- TOPS (Taking Pounds Off Sensibly)
- Self-Monitored Blood Pressure Program
- Local fitness centers
Transportation to You First appointments
Interpretation services for You First appointments
Who is eligible:
Residence: Must live in Vermont
Age: Must be over 21 years old; our heart health program is available for members ages 30-64
Insurance Status: Can be uninsured, have Medicaid or have private health insurance (including Vermont Health Connect); Coverage for members with Medicare Part B is different. Call program for details.
Screening Need: You have (or have had) breasts or a cervix, or need preventative breast or cervical cancer screenings.
Transgender, non-binary and intersex Vermonters are eligible to receive services through You First. Call 1-800-508-2222 or visit the You First website to learn more.
Income: 250% of the federal poverty level, based on number in household.