Learning to cook more healthfully

Group of people posing for photo

Learning to cook more healthfully

The next two sessions of Food Fit are scheduled to begin on Monday, February 18. Both a mid-day and an evening option are available.

Food Fit Bennington is a 10-week food, nutrition, cooking and exercise program that encourages eating a healthier diet and increasing physical activity in a non-judgmental group setting.  Students come together for three hours each week for 10 weeks and enjoy  group sessions in our recently developed Learning Kitchen. Each session starts with a healthy snack, and then students and volunteer Mentors prepare a full meal together that integrates the nutrition and cooking themes of the week. Students spend 20-30 minutes exercising as part of each class and have the added bonus of eating a delicious meal together before they go home to share their new knowledge with their families. Cooking, learning, exercising and eating together is a great recipe for lots of fun. Many of our students say that the sense of community that comes out of the course has as much value as the skills they gain.  If you are interested in participating in Food Fit Bennington, call our office at (802) 447-3700. There is no fee for the course and we assist with transportation.