Category: Wellness

You First CSA Quote that says Going to Clearbrook Farm felt like taking a day for myself

You First CSA Program Gives 17 Bennington County Members CSAs from Clearbrook Farm

Thanks to the You First CSA Program, 17 womxn in Bennington County have been given free CSA shares from Clearbrook Farm. Imagine buying farm-fresh fruits and veggies throughout the growing season from a local Vermont farm! Previously called Ladies First, You First has offered a $250 credit to eligible members. You First CSA pick-ups began […]

Chart illustrating the impact of climate change on human health

Sustainable Food

Here at GBICS, we think a lot about health. We teach folks about the factors that affect health – like dental hygiene, nutrition, and financial security – and design programs to increase access to healthcare and improve our guests’ overall health and wellness. To really improve the community’s health long-term, we need to be thinking […]

$1 Million Grant to Address Food Insecurity in Bennington

We see the impact of food insecurity every day. GBICS knows that, in addition to medical care, a person’s environment, food choices, and behaviors, affect their health. That’s why we’re so excited the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Bennington College a $1 million grant over the next three years to explore food insecurity in Bennington County.